We are unable to send the Weekly Crime Report for Sunday, May 13, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018 because the information is not available.
New 34 Suite Hotel in Southeast Torrance
The Torrance Planning Commission on June 6th at 7PM in the City Council
will consider an application for a new 34 suite hotel in the C-3 zone at
2320 Sepulveda
Blvd. This is the site of the closed Golden Kids Preschool, on the
south side of Sepulveda
Blvd between Cypress and Pennsylvania Avenue. The last sale of this
property was on
April 25, 2016 for $1,020,000.00.
Costco Parking Lot Update
Can’t remember where you parked your car while shopping at Costco.
Costco has placed
alpha numerical row identification at the end of each row. Row A
begins on the south side
of the parking lot. See the attachment for a picture of the
This is one of a number of changes upcoming at Torrance Costco in response
to suggestions
submitted by Costco members. We are hopeful the City of Torrance will
approve a request
by Costco to add at least 150 additional parking spots.
John Bailey, President