The Solona project is proposed for the SW corner of Hawthorne Blvd and Via Valmonte intersection.
248 units with 484 parking spaces on 5.7 acres.
60% of the project will be 1 bedroom/1 bath units. 40% of the project will be 2 bedroom/2 bath units.
The units will range from 700 to 1,200 square feet with surface and structure parking.
No below market rate housing is proposed for the project. $700,000 one time fees are calculated for
schools. The traffic study shows no impact on the Hawthorne Blvd and Via Valmonte intersection.
However, residents on Via Valmonte and Paseo De Las Tortugas believe their streets will become the new
Pacific Coast Highway South for Solona residents driving west out of the project through the residential
area of the Riviera.
This is the link to the proposed project.
John Bailey, President
Southeast Torrance Homeowners’ Association, Inc. (SETHA)