Update on the Torrance City Council Meeting, Tuesday, November 14th
Community Development –
Consider Appeal of Planning Commission Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to
Allow a New Service Station and Market with the Retail Sale of Beer and Wine for
Off-Site Consumption, in Conjunction with a Tentative Parcel Map to Consolidate
Parcels, on Properties Located Within the Torrance Tract Overlay Zone in the D-T
Zone at 1954-1978 Carson Street (APNs 7357-016-001 to -005). CUP17-00011,
DIV17-00007: Tower Energy Group (Mark Vasey). Expenditure:
After the appellant, the residents of Old Torrance, made their
presentation, the owner stood up and said the project would be
The packed Council Chamber erupted in jubilation.
The developer can come back, at a later date, with another project for the
John Bailey, President
Southeast Torrance Homeowners’ Association, Inc. (SETHA)