The City of Torrance is currently working on an update of the Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan outlines our vision for the future of the city by means of a vision statement, values statement and strategic priorities, or areas of special importance. In order for the Plan to accurately reflect the vision and values of the community, the city needs to get as much input from the public as possible.
You will brainstorm around three questions.
1. What do you like most about Torrance?
2. What do you like least about Torrance?
3. What can we do to build for the future?
A focus group for several different areas of the City of Torrance will be held as follows:
Monday, November 26, 2007, West Annex Meeting Room, 7 to 9PM
Call the Community Development Department, Kevin Joe, 310 618 5990, to confirm your attendance.
You will brainstorm around three questions.
1. What do you like most about Torrance?
2. What do you like least about Torrance?
3. What can we do to build for the future?
A focus group for several different areas of the City of Torrance will be held as follows:
Monday, November 26, 2007, West Annex Meeting Room, 7 to 9PM
Call the Community Development Department, Kevin Joe, 310 618 5990, to confirm your attendance.