Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - 06:30 p.m.
24300 Narbonne Avenue, Lomita, CA 90717
9. | PUBLIC HEARING – CONSIDERATION OF THE PICERNE LOMITA APARTMENT PROJECT AND ITS ASSOCIATED REQUIRED ENTITLEMENTS LOCATED AT 24000 CRENSHAW BOULEVARD (Initiated and filed by the Picerne Group, 5000 Birch Street, East Tower, Suite 600, Newport Beach, CA 92660) Presented by Principal Planner Velasco Ord No. 791 – An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lomita to adopt a Specific Plan (ZTA 2017-06) with a Zone Text Amendment adding a new Article 27 to Chapter 1 (Zoning), Part 2 (Establishment of Zones) of the Lomita Municipal Code (LMC); and adopt a Zone Change (ZC 2017-01) to change the zoning designation of the project site to “24000 Crenshaw Boulevard Specific Plan” in conjunction with 220 unit apartment project at 24000 Crenshaw Boulevard, Lomita, California (First Reading) |
1) Introduce on first reading an Ordinance adding a new Article 27 to Chapter 1, Part 2, of the LMC for (24000 Crenshaw Blvd Specific Plan) to establish development standards for a multi-family development within the specific plan area (ZTA No. 2017-06; and a zone change to create the specific plan zone, which would permit residential densities up to 88 units per acre within the specific plan area and apply certain development standards to this area (AC No. 2017-01;
2) Introduce on first reading an Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City and the Project Applicant (DA 2017-01); and
3) Adopting a resolution for a general plan amendment to allow residential densities of up to 88 units per acre in the High Density Residential Land Use Designation with approval of a specific plan (GPA No. 2017-01);
4) Adopting a resolution for a site plan review for the proposed residential development (SPR No. 1187); and
5) Adopting a resolution for certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring Program and the adoption of the Statement of Overriding Considerations.