Weekly Crime Logs Now Available on the Torrance PD Website
The Torrance Police Department is now posting Weekly Crime Logs on their website. These Weekly Crime Logs will include crime information including the general area the crime was committed and information on the nature of the crime. This information is a more detailed format than the general crime statistics already posted on the website. These weekly crime logs are provided to the community in an effort to educate citizens on the actual crimes occurring, the date/time and the general location. Please feel free to share this information with your neighbors and friends.
To view the Weekly Crime Log for September 3rd through the 10th, visit: http://www.torranceca.gov/TPD/Documents/Crime_Log_090309-091009(1).pdf Future logs will be sent with a direct link to the log without this message.
The logs will be posted on the Torrance PD website (Police.TorranceCA.gov) under the "Crime Trends and Prevention" tab and then under the "Crime Statistics" topic. When you go to that tab, you will also see that we are in the process to developing an interactive Crime Activity Map that is scheduled for publication in December of 2009. Together, these formats should help educate the Community on the actual crimes that occur, dispel some of the myths surrounding crimes that "have occurred" and also result in a safer Torrance.
If you have any questions or have any input on current or future formats for this information, please contact the Community Affairs Division at CommunityAffairs@TorranceCA.gov.
John Bailey, President
The Torrance Police Department is now posting Weekly Crime Logs on their website. These Weekly Crime Logs will include crime information including the general area the crime was committed and information on the nature of the crime. This information is a more detailed format than the general crime statistics already posted on the website. These weekly crime logs are provided to the community in an effort to educate citizens on the actual crimes occurring, the date/time and the general location. Please feel free to share this information with your neighbors and friends.
To view the Weekly Crime Log for September 3rd through the 10th, visit: http://www.torranceca.gov/TPD/Documents/Crime_Log_090309-091009(1).pdf Future logs will be sent with a direct link to the log without this message.
The logs will be posted on the Torrance PD website (Police.TorranceCA.gov) under the "Crime Trends and Prevention" tab and then under the "Crime Statistics" topic. When you go to that tab, you will also see that we are in the process to developing an interactive Crime Activity Map that is scheduled for publication in December of 2009. Together, these formats should help educate the Community on the actual crimes that occur, dispel some of the myths surrounding crimes that "have occurred" and also result in a safer Torrance.
If you have any questions or have any input on current or future formats for this information, please contact the Community Affairs Division at CommunityAffairs@TorranceCA.gov.
John Bailey, President